Weekly WrapUp: 5k plan

I managed to stick mostly to my running training plan this week. I originally picked the Advanced plan from Jenny’s plans, but then decided to go with the Intermediate and make the Advanced plan my aspirational goal for each run. Sadly, my Body Beast workouts sort of fell by the wayside.

The week got off to a bit of a rough start. Monday, 40 minutes was scheduled but I made it only 20 minutes. My calves tightened up and it was really difficult to keep going, even after stopping to stretch and slowing way down.

After that, things improved:

On Tuesday I made it through Bulk: Chest and called it a day.
Wednesday called for 45 min with pickups, which I managed to complete.
Thursday I went to Dane’s Body Shop for cross-fit. My company has recently started hosting a weekly workout session. It’s been quite challenging but I’ve enjoyed it.
I exceeded Friday’s run by about 5 minutes to make it an even 5k.
I rested on Saturday and Sunday I finished up the week with 5 miles (again, about 5 min over the called for time)

This week, although I’m late with the wrapup, I’m ahead on my workouts and hoping to keep up better with both the running and the weight training.

Weekly Wrapup Many thanks to Holly and Tricia for always hosting the Weekly Wrap linkup.


  1. I have never tried cross fit, although I do weight train a few times a week. I think that has kept injuries at bay with all the running I do.

    • August Spirit

      March 21, 2017 at 2:16 pm

      This is my first go at cross-fit and so far he’s been treating us with kid gloves. I’ve heard all spectrum of things about cross-fit, so I’m interested to see how it progresses.

  2. even though it started off rough, it sounds like a great week in general!

  3. Hi and welcome to the Weekly Wrap. I am so glad to have you join us.
    I have not tried cross fit but I know enough about it that it is beast! I hope you really like it. Wendy here in our group really does well with it and he running!
    What race are you training for?

    • August Spirit

      March 23, 2017 at 9:55 pm

      I am not much of a racer, but I try to stay in ‘i could suffer through a half marathon’ shape for most of the year; I tend to run faster in the winter and more in the summer. I blame it on being born in NW Florida in August – haha. Only doing Crossfit once a week so far, but I might want more!

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