Sometimes, Monday shows up way too fast. Ok, so that is mostly every week. but this week it was even more pronounced.
Hmm.. so last week, oh right. I said I wanted to keep up better with my running and my weight training and I think I did.
On Monday, I ran 1.5 miles of 4 scheduled miles. I had the same problem I did as the week before with my calves being super tight. The good news is that I am pretty sure I’ve figured out what was causing it. I recently bought the Lululemon Lost in Pace skirt and during runs the built in shorts ride up and tend to alter my stride. Which is a bummer. But at least I figured out the issue and can wear the skirt for my non-running exercises.
I also did Body Beast, Bulk: Shoulders and
Tuesday was Bulk Chest.
Wednesday I ran 5k, no calf issues or anything else – felt pretty good. Then I did Bulk Back, upped my weights a lot, and generally felt like a badass. I snapped this photo of my living room and captioned it on Twitter as: “I’m assuming this is what every works-from-home suburbanite living room room looks like at lunch time, right?”
Thursday was Crossfit where we did 10 min of ‘metabolic conditioning’ (I know that’s a loaded term in some circles, but it was basically a little different than a true HIIT session but did have some exercise cycling so it wasn’t all go. It was rough and I was spend at the end, but also proud and happy.
Friday I meant to run, but didn’t get up on time. Instead, I did 75 minutes of Slow Flow and Align Yoga with a new teacher. I wasn’t crazy about her or the session which is whatever. My favorite teacher is moving to her own studio which is sadly not located next door to my office, but I’m glad she’s growing and hopefully I’ll find a way to work in some regular visits to her new digs.
Saturday was rest day. Though I did go for a few long walks with my husband, which is always nice.
Sunday I managed a glorious 8 miles with zero stops. Because I’m not really training for anything, on long run day I usually allow myself to pause for taking pictures or walk up the hills. But it felt good to run the full distance and know I can still do it. Woo! I didn’t do any Body Beast workout, and I’m not sure how my Body Beast schedule will (or won’t) shake out this week.
Overall, it was a good week. I felt like I met my goals while not beating myself up for not hitting every workout I intended.
I’m loving crossfit and have considered adding in another, non-coworkered class on Monday or Tuesday. I always thought I would hate it; a case where it’s been nice to have been wrong.
As usual, many thanks to Holly and Tricia for always hosting the Weekly Wrap linkup.
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