Weekly Wrap 04

I knew going in it was going to be a low-mileage week because we had our offsite quarterly meeting for work.

On Monday, I forgot my HR so I just ran 3.5 easy miles with my husband. The weather was cool and it was fabulous. We also had work class of Fusion/Crossfit since we knew we would be out on Thursday.

On Tuesday, I remembered my HRM and did 1mi Z2, 1mi Z3, 1mi Z2. And our usual Fusion/Crossfit class. I was tired at the end of the day and so I cancelled my reserved spot for Wednesday’s 6am weightlifting. Oh, and our little espresso-machine lid died šŸ™

On Wednesday we slept in, and then walked down to get coffee. I sort of meant to go for a run, but it just didn’t fall into place. I was pretty stressed about our work overnight (for no good reason, I’m just like that).

Thursday – meeeeeetings most of the day. But we did play kickball, so you know, a few sprints around the bases. šŸ˜€ And yes, I did edit the following image to just show my arm muscles – haha!

Friday – hungover, more meetings, no real activity. We got back to Austin around 5:30 and I had takeout with my husband.

On Saturday, we had some errands to run, but as soon as we left the house I started feeling blah. I told my husband I was tired and feeling puny while standing in HomeGoods, which is a pretty strong indication of how tired and puny I was feeling. So we went home and I napped while he ran.

Sunday I was still feeling a little run down. Only 6.5 miles were on the schedule, but I ended up doing run/walk intervals for 5 miles and called it a day.

The arm picture above notwithstanding, some of the pictures taken at our event made me feel super :\ about the way I look, so this week I’m going to try to stick to the schedule, get back to tracking my food, eat more protein, drink more water, all the usual blah blah blah. I do typically end up feeling motivated to start dieting in November for some reason, so I guess it’s just that season for me.

Iā€™m linking up with the Weekly Wrap, sponsored by Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin.

1 Comment

  1. Ugh. Working meetings are so… Ugh. LOL. I hope you are feeling better this week. I’m always heavier in the summer when more of my body shows. I have less willpower in the summer, for whatever reason! Thanks for linking.

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